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About us

Our youth and play partnership supports groups and service providers who work with children and young people in the 4 wards to the east of the City of Manchester to provide a range of support, opportunities, informal education, open access and targeted provision.
EMYPP has existed in some form for 20+ years but became a constituted - unincorporated association - group in 2009 following the disestablishment of the statutory youth service. We have continued to grow and develop over time applying for small funds, working together to run services, sharing resources and most recently by delivering the current Young Manchester contracts (via 4CT as the lead partner).

EMYPP has three elements, a ‘network’ which is the wider membership body, the funded partners group delivering the YM contract and the constituted group which acts as a ‘committee’ leading on funding applications and identifying new opportunities.

Partners support each other formally through our SLA’s but we also help each other informally, lending each other resources, personnel, equipment or advice and information.